Christ’s welcome is for everyone.

Come and join us for our regular Sunday morning service at 10.30am. We really look forward to meeting you. Find out more about us and what we do here.

Hatfield Road Methodist Church building on Hatfield Road

We are a friendly and thriving church located in the Fleetville area of St Albans.

A diverse community of all ages, we find life and hope in the way of Jesus and seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit in all that we do.

Committed to being good neighbours to people in need, we also strive to challenge injustice and to be friends with people of other faiths and cultures - read our mission statement.

Above all we are passionate about building a relevant and inclusive church where ALL can feel at home and able to meet with God. For more information on the Methodist way of life, please click here.

Upcoming events

HRMC in pictures

  • Celebrating life events

    Celebrating life events and providing a space for conversation and fellowship is central to our church life. We are an inclusive church and welcome everyone. Find out more about how we can support you at every stage of your faith journey.

  • Church groups and events

    We host a number of groups and events. From our popular toddler group to our weekly cafe and day care group.

  • Community chaplaincy

    Hatfield Road Methodist Church and Marlborough Road Methodist Church support St Albans’ Anna Chaplaincy Lead, Maggie Dodd. Maggie is a Layworker and reaches out to care home communities, visits the elderly and offers spiritual support to older people.

Join in

  • Saturday Morning Prayers

    Join us on Zoom for our Circuit Prayer group at 9am every Saturday morning.

    Start your weekend in a powerful way by joining our online prayer gathering. All are welcome, just click the button below for the Zoom link. Meeting ID: 997 3752 5318
    Passcode: 251590

  • House Groups

    Meeting Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

    We offer four House Groups that meet on a fortnightly basis during school terms. The Groups follow a variety of resources that help people to deepen their understanding of the Bible and to think through issues of life and faith. The groups meet on Monday at 7:30pm, Wednesday at 8:00pm and on Thursday and Friday mornings at 10:30am.

  • A Chance to Chat Ad card

    A Chance to Chat

    Meeting every Monday 9:30-11:30am in Morrison’s café on Hatfield Road

    A Chance to Chat was started by Maggie Dodd as community outreach and support. A team of volunteers from local churches meet to offer anyone from the community a cup of tea or coffee and a chance to chat.

Cornerstone House

Situated in the Salisbury Village estate in Hatfield, Deacon Nigel and his wife Jane offer a warm welcome, a community space and a listening ear for local people.

“It’s great to be part of such a welcoming and friendly community.”

Church member Hannah